Groomer.DK is located in Scandinavian part of Europe, Denmark
Tel.: +45 42 15 00 30 (Katerina Cechova)
Tel.: +45 61 34 18 03 (Pia Nissen)
Vedtoftevej 26, 5620 Glamsbjerg
HURRY UP - ONLY 200 pieces available in this one time offer!
Our RAINBOW EDITION was popular for many years, now we added Coarse double teeth and made a set suitable for all softer coats or heavy thick coats.
Slant teeth have very good functions by grabbing softer coats or mixed coat with a lot of undercoat, they are ideal for blanding and full strip to undercoat, though the single coarse is a good roller and the double coarse is eminent for flat work and tender rolling in more than 3 layers. The fine is very good carding knife and the medium is top universal for pulling and carding.
All are dulled, but they need to carry sudden sharpness for fighting thick coats, so we don't recommend them for very harsh crispy coats with minimal undercoat, there you need to be careful not to break the coat.
As all our branded knives, we warn ⚠️ against copies of our products. You can buy the real originals only by us or our distributors. Do not buy fake imitation, they can ruin your dog's coat and even cut into skin. Our tools are developed by professional groomers with many years experiences and will save you a lot of work and time.
Welcome to Groomer.DK!
Yes, we are the ones with the famous danish HAND DULLED stripping knives! And even more - we devolope our tools after need of experienced groomers and handlers. More than 35 years in the game of top shows and now it's on time to give our knowledge on. Our tools are simply made from experience for function.
- Company name: GROOMER.DK CVR 39231344 (VAT REG DK39231344) Adress Vedtoftevej 26, 5620 Glamsbjerg
- Main currency DANISH KRONES
- Payment is provided by Paypal and credit card system Stripe - secured system and is released to our side after you finish checkout. The status on your order is visible PAID in the moment payment is accepted by one of those systems, you selected by checkout.
- as B2C (as final customer, not business), you have 14 days right to return the goods for full return price exclusive shipping fee - items can't be used before return. We refund your payment as soon as the items are received by us.
- varanty on our prudcts is 24 months B2C
- Groomer DK | GDPR -, med CVR-nummer 39231344 is responsible for your personal data and is not releasing them to the third side. If you have ny questions regarding GDPR and treating of your personal data, pls contact us at info@groomer.dkWe use your personal data for:- administrate your order- send you email, SMS or letter
Your personal data are protected and not visible to any third party.
- Prices for delivery are visible before final checkout - they vary after zone and type of shipping. You can select a shipment, which fits you best.
- Delivery time - EU countries usually 4 working days, domestic DK withing 2-3 working days. Outside EU from 4 days up to 3 weeks, depending on custom capacity and destination. All shipments are sent usually max within 2 working days from Denmark.
NEW! Do you like our tools? Tell the world about them and earn 5% from every order, sent our way
Start your affiliate program. We know, there is no better advert than a satisfied customer! And if you are happy with our tools, why not to spread the info and get paid for it. will pay you 5 % from every order. REGISTER HERE:
(FACEBOOK review 5*, 3 November 2014)
The groomer DK twin undercoat rake is by fat my favourite undercoat rake I have used. I'm a groomer and do a lot of deshedding and carding and it's amazing.
(FACEBOOK review 5*, 10 March 2017)
Just took delivery of the twin king this morning in super speed delivery time , took it a test drive on my golden retriever straight away half expecting an average brush , woow i was wrong .Its a mazing so easy to use and the hair it extracts is amazing. Never right reviews on anything i purchase but this item i felt like i had too. 10 out of 10 Groomerdk. Thanks from Scotland
(FACEBOOK review 5*, 25 February 2016)
Certainly the twin King is one of the best products out there if you like your labradoodle to look like a doodle and not a poodle with just a little time and effort there is no need for you to be upset when you get them back from the groomers looking like they've had their onesie removed 10 out of 10 would buy another if mine broke tomorrow
(FACEBOOK review 5*, 13 December 2015)
Katerina Cechova
All GROOMER.DK tools are developed, tested and produced by KATERINA CECHOVA and PIA NISSEN in Denmark. We are both breeders of Miniature Schnauzers for more than 25 years. We know, what wire coat needs!
After all these years in the game, we had in hands a lot of tools, knives, king coats, brushes and cosmetic, but we wanted more - more function, more comfort, more quality.
Therefor we decided to develope our own tools, which will full all our wishes.
Growing interest in our products means, we achieved the goal and brought you unique products in the best possible quality. Thank you for trusting in our work.
Groomer.DK is located in Scandinavian part of Europe, Denmark
Tel.: +45 42 15 00 30 (Katerina Cechova)
Tel.: +45 61 34 18 03 (Pia Nissen)